I recently noticed on something that I noticed recently that Krispy Kreme was marketing lemon glazed donuts. At least in the mind of this “blogger”, the paradigm has shifted for the better. What paradigm, you probably don’t wonder? I’m not sure. How do we classify donuts in the food-type realm? I guess we could deem them breakfast items, although there is never a wrong time to eat one. The same is often said about waffles, by the way. Are they snacks? Sweets? Essential life-giving creations of dough, sugar, and hot oil? The answer to these questions is an obvious and resounding YES! Duh!
So call them what you will. And if you call them anything but delectable, I will lump you in with the same crowd that doesn’t like Fig Newtons or frosted Pop Tarts. “Crowd” might be an overstatement. Perhaps “delusional few” might be a more apt description. The question, then, begs to be asked: “How many lemon glazed Krispy Kreme donuts can one consume?” I don’t really like to toot my own donut eating horn, but for the sake of transparency, I will. I’m fairly confident that I could easily plow through a half dozen. Or more. That’s not to say there wouldn’t be adverse consequences. This feat would necessarily have to be done quickly, for a couple of reasons. First, the foolishness of such an act would be evident if reasonably contemplated. Second, the gastrointestinal devastation wouldn’t kick in right away, giving the eater time to scarf before the instinctual reaction to barf. Fight or flight, if you will.
There are any number of things we could, logistically speaking, do. I could, theoretically speaking of course, stand in front of a kid throwing a brick, figuring in my juvenile mind that no one was stupid enough to throw a brick, actually only half a brick, at another kid. The thrower was probably thinking that no one was stupid enough to not take the threat seriously and move out of the way. The throwee and thrower learned otherwise that fateful afternoon, and one of us has a small scar where three stitches were employed to remedy the consequences.
Ultimately, there is a countless myriad of things we could do, say, or even think. But should we?
(Click “Stand On Firmer Ground” for a deeper look into Just Because I Can)
Stand On Firmer Ground