Take a look around you. Unless you live under a bridge or in a refrigerator box, or both, it wouldn’t take but a moment or two to cast your vision onto something you have but don’t really need. And if you are checking my out website from under a bridge or in a refrigerator box, thanks for stopping by, figuratively speaking. And how come your WiFi is so good? Compared to most of the world, we are awash in an embarrassment of riches. Our garages, attics, closets, kitchen drawers (you know the one), and basements (non-Floridians) are probably cluttered, or at the very least, partially occupied with stuff we haven’t used since the Bush administration. The first one! That may be a slight exaggeration, but you catch my drift. To illustrate this point, I recalled the Hammacher Sclemmer catalog. I could not have possibly chosen a better item than the Jet Engine Coffee or Tea machine, prominently featured on the company website’s home page.
I could comedically riff for days on this item alone, much more the entire catalog, but I’ll spare you. Or, imagine with me, Jedadiah and Hortence heading West in their covered wagon, taking only the essentials.
Hortence- “Forsooth, Jed, methinks I’ve left the Jet Engine Coffee or Tea machine thither in yon cabin.”
Jedadiah- “Egads! We’ll have to return posthaste and retrieve it!”
I think it was Aristotle who once said, “If its still in a box from the last time you moved, get rid of it!” Had I known how lucrative the storage industry would be, I’d have divested myself of my Pet Rock, Earth Shoes, and Laser Disc holdings sooner. And would any of y’all like to buy a Betamax video cassette recorder? When you get an opportunity, go through your stuff. I’m guessing that more than a little is unneeded. Is it junk? Throw it out. Is it worth something to someone else? Donate it, or maybe have a yard/garage sale and give the proceeds to a ministry. Got a box full of random cords, remotes, and chargers? From what I’ve seen, they’ll fit right in on a back shelf at your local thrift store. Do those that will have to sift through your estate after you die a favor, and de-clutter your house now. Or double down and start a hoard. At least then the post funeral conversation will be interesting!
(Click “Stand on Firmer Ground” for deeper look into You Shouldn’t Have!)